Monday, June 26, 2006



  • Bush, the most hated president ever, stole both elections "The latest polls say Americans now dislike Bush more than any other president, including even Tricky Dick." This articles gives statistics and compelling evidence as to the possibility that Bush stole the 2004 election. (I think most people agree without being convinced that the 2000 presidential election was stolen.)

  • "I Saw It Hacked" - Diebold in Florida I was one of ten people present at the "hack" of the Leon County, Florida voting system, which took place on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 around 4:30 in the afternoon at the county elections warehouse. Leon County's voting system is the Diebold Accu-Vote OS 1.94w (optical scan).

Could it be that this was all a test to see if the American public was ready for the play to start? After all, George W Bush and John Kerry were both members of the Skull and Bones Society. So regardless of which candidate became the next President of the United States, the same agenda was about to be played out. However, by making it obvious that the election was stolen right before us, the NWdO (New World disOrder) constituency was able to glean whether the country would do anything about something so glaring as a stolen election. Just to make sure, this constituency went so far as to use one of their spokesmen, John Kerry, to point it out to the American public as well as the rest of the world. We watched as the Florida Supreme Court ruled that there should be a recount of the ballots, then the US Supreme Court overruled that decision without even bothering to provide a reason for their overruling.


Compelling Facts Regarding September 11th

Could it be that the events of September 11th were perpetrated by members of our own government? Read the details, preferably with an open mind, and then decide for yourself.


The Patriot Act is enacted immediately after the World Trade Center disaster. As a matter of fact, it was presented by a weary Congress the following month. How could they draft and adequately proofread a 340 page long document that was made into law about five weeks later? Could it be that it was actually drafted BEFORE September 11th?


The remaining scenes are yet to be determined. If the Bush presidency had gone better, Jeb Bush would have likely been placed in the Oval Office by the constituency. However, because of an increasing awareness of the games being played on a national level, there are two scenarios that could very well be played out:

a) (Hilary Clinton) Obama could be placed in the Oval Office in 2008, except that (she) he would not likely be allowed to succeed. After (her) his failure, Jeb Bush would ride in to save the day. Under Jeb, more of our civil liberties would be stripped away as the NWdO constituency prepares for their plan to dominate the world aka New World Order. Now we have proof that only white males are equipped to e president of the US!! (cough cough!)

b) The NWdO becomes antsy and decides that the American public is ready for the next phase before GWB's second term comes to end. A police state is declared, officially. FEMA's concentration camps are put to use by any who dare to oppose the regime. What happens after that remains to be seen.


  • The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised the experiment to answer the question "Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders?"
    I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. - Stanley Milgram

  • A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment Conducted at Stanford University Features an extensive slide show and information about this classic psychology experiment, including parallels with the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. What happens when you put good people in an evil place? Does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumph?

  • U.S. military doctors involved in Abu Ghaib abuse, human rights cover-up Medical staff revived the detainee and left, and the abuse continued. And yet, our fearless government leaders would have us believe that only a few soldiers, acting on their own, perpetrated these acts. Nothing is ever said in the popular press of the military doctors who assisted in many of the abuse cases at Abu Ghaib.

  • Abu Ghraib: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is NOT Us Highly recommended reading. President Bush obviously likes the "few bad apples" theory because it helps to cover up the emerging revelations that the orders came from very high up, that the methods of torture and even sexual humiliation come right out of the CIA's Kubark Counterintelligence Manual of 1963, and that these interrogation methods were used not only in Iraq but at the Guantanamo detention center.

    Examined closely, neither the Stanford Prison experiment nor the Milgram experiment "leads to the Pogo conclusion that ordinary people will inflict pain on others if only given the chance, or will follow authority blindly, regardless of their opinion about the morality of the orders."

So what will the next chapter bring after all? How many more of our civil liberties will be stripped from us? The middle class is quickly eroding leaving the rich and elite in an even greater position of control. It is something to think about. When a president stands before the nation and says that in his role as the president he should not be held accountable to the law, something is very wrong. Bush has admitted to illegal wiretappings, yet there has been little if any serious talk of impeachment. By Bush's line of reasoning, Richard Nixon's role in Watergate should have been acceptable because as president he was not accountable to the laws of our nation. Why are we not more angry than we seem to be?


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