Thursday, January 01, 2009

Pam's Story Continues

There have been so many more stories of atrocities performed by doctors on Pam. One hospital, Morton Hospital located in Taunton, MA, actually had nurses come in at 1:30 AM to give her a shower. They said it was quieter then. Ummm, yeahh!!! They woke Pam up to give her a shower! I had not spent the night but when I heard that, I made sure I did from that point forward.

During another hospital stay, I learned that had they diluted the IV at Lahey, the Atavan would not have burned nearly so bad nor would it have ruined Pam's IV line. So was that stupidity or maliciousness because a mother dared fight for her daughter? Or perhaps a little of both.

Funny thing... at Saint Elizaeth's Hospital, I discovered that Pam's main doctor had been one of Raphael Kieval's teachers and another doctor on her case was one of Rapahel's co-students under that same teacher. What WERE they teaching at that school anyway? Raphael later received his own clinical trial for fibromyalgia.

Before Pam ended up in the hospital every single time, she would get sick with other things. One time she was coughing and hacking and saw Raphael ('doctor' is a term of respect that I have not seen him earn), but Raphael would not give her antibiotics. He was afraid it would interfere with her Lupus, so instead he watched as she got so sick that she had to be hospitalized. Well, guess what? Antibiotics have been given to treat people with Lupus! Could it be that he did not want her to get well because she was slated for Rituxan and the antibiotics might have kept her out of the hospital?

After one of her hospital stays, Pam had all of the symptoms of a stroke. She was talking crazy, she was having a hard time speaking, she was wild-eyed, she needed help getting to the bathroom... it was NOT good. My aunt had a stroke and I swear Pam's symptoms so reminded me of my aunt's symptoms. It was interesting how especially at Lahey they were concerned with Pam's heart when there was no apparent reason. They kept her on the cardiac floor, supposedly because there were no beds elsewhere. However, I later learned that Rituxan can also put your heart at risk. So did Pam have a stroke? Or was it something else... like PML, a known side effect of Rituxan?

What is PML?

PML stands for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which is a rare, progressive, infection of the brain that is caused by reactivation of a virus (the JC virus). Up to 80% of healthy adults have been infected with this virus at some point during childhood but the JC virus normally remains in the body in an inactive (latent) state. However, the JC virus can become active and cause illness when the body’s immune system (natural defenses against infection) is impaired by illness or medications. This is similar to what happens with the chickenpox virus that remains in the body and may become active later in life, causing shingles. In the medical literature, PML has been reported in patients with serious underlying diseases, such as cancers of the blood system (lymphoma, leukemia), HIV infection, or in patients who have had bone marrow, kidney, or heart transplants. In most reports, the patients were also receiving medications that impaired the body’s immune system.

When the JC virus becomes active, it causes PML. Symptoms of PML include mental deterioration, confusion, vision loss, difficulty speaking, and loss of balance. PML usually leads to death or severe disability. There is no way to test for patients who might develop PML. The diagnosis is made by x-rays of the brain and by a spinal tap or brain biopsy. There is no known effective treatment other than to stop drugs that are interfering with the immune system. Rituxan therapy should be stopped in any person who develops PML.

The important thing to remember is, Pam has never knowingly agreed to be part of the clinical trial for anything including Rituxan. She told them 'no'. If they forced this on her, they deserve to rot in hell, ESPECIALLY if her symptoms could have possibly been treated with antibiotics which they have never tried. Rituxan is by far the bigger money-maker for the pharmaceutical companies. Her answer should be respected, just as she should be respected. Games are for little kids who have adults around to put them in line when those games get out of hand. Where are the adults to the pharmaceutical companies and these doctors?


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