Saturday, February 07, 2009

Lighting The Lanterns

It's time to sound the alarm. The lantern is lit in the old North Church... or it should be. I am serious. Call it the Illuminati or whatever else you like, but let's be clear on this: our country has been hi-jacked by a large group of people intent on world domination. It is the secret societies who are at the forefront of this. Oh the various groups interlink with each other whether or not their members realize it. These groups have been manipulated into believing they are fighting for their own goals when in reality they are fighting to fulfill an all-too-often hidden agenda. Their members have been literally and figuratively brainwashed into believing the ideology is their own. How many remember Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army? If the stories are true, she was convinced that she shared the ideology of the SLA and even helped them to rob a bank... this was the same group of people who had kidnapped her and next we see her on camera brandishing a gun during a bank robbery?! Our CIA employs the same techniques that Patty's captors used.

What does it take to be really afraid for our country? What needs to happen before you sit up and take notice? It did not seem to happen when George dubya stole the election right in front of us in 2000, nor when he stole it again in 2004. Nothing even happened when Cheney 'accidentally' shot a fellow hunter and it was not reported for days. Still nothing happened when we learned there were no weapons of mass destruction and the whole excuse for a war was a scam.

This goes beyond money. Our children are dying in Iraq. Do you think the people that decided we go to war have children fighting and dying in this war? This also goes beyond people dying overseas in wars without cause. We are in the midst of slavery. Oh the shackles are not visible by daylight but they are still very much there. Under the guise of protecting us, our government used this concocted excuse for a war to put in place the Patriot Act. Under the terms of the Patriot Act, our government is given free reign to terrorize its own citizens. They are legally permitted to enter our homes even while we are there sleeping and not tell us about it. The scariest part is, a part of us KNOWS about their visits but only our subconsiouses are privvy to this information.

The CIA has made it legal to enter our homes at night-fall and make Manchurian candidates out of unwitting American citizens!!!

It's true. However, many people will consider this preposterous. Those people need to do some research on MK Ultra. Under MK Ultra, the CIA was caught doing mind control experiments on citizens without their knowledge. Oh but when they were caught, they immediately ceased and desisted... well, purportedly. Since when did our CIA officials act like they were obliged to follow the laws of their own country? Do you think they started doing so then, merely because they had been caught? Get real! Our CIA has its own agenda and who do you think guides this agenda? They are not protecting OUR interests. They are serving the interests of the powerful elite.

And how does the CIA use "Manchurian-like" candidates? They are the ones who do things nobody in their right mind would do. They are the equivalent of suicide bombers... they will assassinate any target they are given even if it means certain death once the assassination is over. They are the ones who shoot up schools and lend an argument on behalf of gun control advocates -- Gun control limits the number of people who are armed when the CIA operatives come into their home uninvited. They are the ones who will perform perverted sexual acts on command designed for later use in blackmail or simply perverted men's pleasure. They are the ones who would readily take part in a snuff film. They are the ones who will take on any assignment and convincingly deny all knowledge of it later -- It is easy to be convincing when you have zilcho recollection of what you did. They are also the ones who will spend money on command, thereby lining the pockets of the rich elitists. Or they are the ones who will intentionally break somebody else's car when their income tax refund comes in... or anything else along those lines. Financing of all of this is expensive and the rich have no intention of funding the NWdO with their own funds. They use our money... stolen from our bank accounts by corrupt bankers or received through kickbacks from people who willingly do their work. (How do you think the big defense contractors gained power?)

So do you want to know where the henchmen are who perform the various roles for the CIA? They are everywhere. They are often vocal and outspoken against the very things they do at night. They may be your neighbors and perhaps even your spouse. They could literally be anybody. The person who loudly supports the war because her husband supposedly died on Flight 93 and stands beside George dubya while Cindy Sheehan advocates pulling out of it could very well be one of their numbers.

For the record, I agree that the monsters responsible for 9/11 should be stopped. However, I believe like so many others have come to believe that the perpetrators are so much closer to home. I believed it before I ever heard about the 9/11 Truth Movement. Within the first month the suspicions started to dawn on me. Seeing the reaction on dubya's face after learning a plane had flown into the WTC towers was sooo hokey! Think back to your on reaction and then compare that to dubya's intentionally blank look... he did not expect the camera to be catching his expression. He thought he only had to fool a bunch of first graders. The camera caught him off guard but there was nothing he could do. As for the slavemakers, they are in positions that make you go 'hmmmm' but unfortunately that seems to be all it does. They supposedly collect 100% disability checks when there is no such thing as 100% longterm disability by law. But it allows them to stay home and sleep after a night of 'programming' others.

In case you are wondering why they program at night... once you have gone to bed and are convinced you were sleeping, you discount the strange dreams or oddities you notice. You don't notice there is unaccounted for time because, well it is all accounted for in your mind. Eight hours of sleeping, right? What if it were only two hours of sleep and six hours unaccounted for? That could certainly explain how exhausted you felt when you woke up. Did you grow up feeling like you needed twelve hours of sleep? This is nothing new for our CIA... only making it legal to come into your home is. So maybe you were unconsciously being deprived of your eight hours of sleep and you were sleeping later to accomodate it. You could always test it the same way I did. I realized something weird was going on and I awoke feeling drugged on pretty much a daily basis. So I bought a voice activated recorder where the track could not be partially deleted, it was all or nothing, and I recorded the date and the time in my own voice and left the recorder going. On the second day I found the date and time portion deleted and instead heard my voice saying something in a singsong way and an effiminate man's voice telling me, "Now silence." He obviously knew about the recorder since the beginning was deleted... and he wanted to send me a message - that I should be silent about what I had learned. (I am not very good at listening to instructions given by someone who is drugging me.)

Oh, and where did I grow up? In Pensacola, a Navy town which just happened to have a huge CIA front right there - Monsanto. Monsanto developed Agent Orange for the government and they have a whole pharmaceutical division, G.D. Searle Pharmaceuticals. Donald Rumsfeld was once the CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals... and Clarence Thomas had been an attorney for Monsanto and was later made US Supreme Court Justice by George HW Bush... the previous director of the CIA. By the way, Clarence Thomas was one of those who demanded the voting recount in Florida be halted when George dubya's right to the presidential seat was being questioned. If anyone can show me a valid reason for why the US Supreme Court overrode the Florida Supreme Court's decision to demand a recount (well, until it was too late to finish the recount after allowing it to continue) I would love to hear it. I have been unable to find their supposed rationale. I guess the US Supreme Court does not always demand their decisions be based on fairness and justice. By the way, in case you did not know, US Supreme Court Justices can be impeached under the U.S. law.

So now we have a new president. Is he himself a Manchurian candidate? He is bringing about the NWdO - where those in control have absolute power over everything. I had hoped he would bring about the changes we needed and perhaps he still will. Maybe he too needs to wake up. What happens if and when he does will mean the world of difference for all of us. Let's hope nothing happens to allow Biden to take over. I may not be sure of Obama's motives, but I am certain of Biden's motives. America would be best served if he never becomes the commander-in-chief of our country.


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